How to know true love?

28 December 2020 Off By Webmaster

1 Samuel 18: 1-5
Psalm 133

Really, true love is not looking for your own interests but looking for the interests of others

We see the true love that was between David and Jonathan, the son of King Saul, their friendship was based on that Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his soul, it is here that we see so much true love.

To arrive in your royal destiny, you need your Jonathan. Despite the difficulties David met his friend Jonathan in the kingdom of King Saul, he supported him because Jonathan’s soul was attached to David’s soul, until he took off the mantle he was wearing, to gave it to David; and he gave him his clothes, even his sword, his bow, and his belt.

True love is like the precious oil which, when poured over the head, descends on Aaron’s beard, Which descends on the hem of his garments.
According to Psalm 133: 2
Today true love is rare because it is infected with a virus:

  • lack of respect
  • of pride
  • hate
  • of lack of discipline

For where there is true love, there is respect, discipline and submission to the servant of God.

Ruth did not accept that her mother – in – law Naomi was left alone after losing her husband but thanks to true love, she gave up everything to accompany him.

True love is not to receive but it is to give, it is followed by works of charity on the family of the church which has been robbed of all the goods by thieves have not known.

Where true love reigns there is abundance of joy and peace.